Lauren Pruitt, Esq. serves as the Legal Director for FreeState Justice, an organization dedicated to advancing the well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals in Maryland. She provides comprehensive legal advice and representation to clients on a wide range of matters. As head of the legal team, she provides comprehensive legal advice and representation to clients on a wide range of matters, including the provision of written and oral legal advice, strategic and tactical initiatives, case evaluation, and the design of strategies aimed at enhancing the organization's knowledge in its various areas of practice. Lauren earned her Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University Law Center and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Howard University.
Your commitment to FreeState Justice's mission helps us provide life-saving resources to people throughout Maryland!
FreeState Justice is a 501(c)3 organization. Contributions to the organization are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
FreeState Justice is a grantee of the Maryland Legal Services Corporation and a member of the Equality Federation.
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