The 2024 Annual Report

Our mission is to remove barriers to justice through pro bono legal services, community engagement, and legislative advocacy. Your support makes it all possible.

Read on to learn about your impact on FreeState Justice during FY24.

FreeState Justice In The community

Thank You To Our Donors

FSJ is grateful to the donors who have supported us during the past fiscal year. With your support, Maryland locals have had access to free legal services and the community advocacy they need. On behalf of our board of directors, clients, volunteers, and staff we extend our deepest gratitude to the individuals, law firms, corporations, agencies, and foundations who invested in our work.

Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If we have inadvertently omitted your name or listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and notify us of the error by email to

  • Champions ($10,000+)

    Abell Foundation

    France-Merrick Foundation

    Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

    Helen J. Serini Foundation 

    Leonard Litz Foundation

    Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault

    Maryland Corporation Legal Services

    Venable Foundation

    Wells Fargo

    Lindsey Young

  • Benefactors ($5,000-$9,999)

    Ballard Spahr

    Jase & Jeremy Schwartz Tzedakah Fund

    PNC Foundation 

    PNC Charitable Trust 

    Remmel Foundation

    Sinai Hospital

    The Wine Group

  • Sustainers ($2,500-$4,999)

    AIDS Healthcare Foundation

    Enterprise Mobility

    Gregory Rex

    Horizons Foundation

    Joseph Meyerhoff Fund 

    Nancy Whiteman

  • Patrons ($1,000-$2,499)


    Andrew Adelman

    Robert Bitzel

    John Conwell

    Adam Farra

    Jason Hicks

    Tina Jones

    Mid Atlantic Arts

    Miles & Stockbridge

    Catherine O’Malley

    Diana Philip


  • Leadership Circle ($500-$999)

    Andrew Ansel

    Brown Advisory

    Lawrence Blim

    Lee Carpenter

    Hood College

    Marissa Johnson

    Alana Landsman

    Alicia Lucksted

    Larnzell Martin Jr

    Matthew Morris

    Paypal Fund Giving

    Lindsay Sier

    State Office Of Maryland Treasurers

    WMD, LLC

  • Donors ($1-$499)

    Richard Adams

    Azar Alexander

    Jeff Attix

    Jeffrey Attix

    Rahul Barwani

    Rob Blackwell

    Elizabeth Bogren

    Olivia Bourland

    Charities Aid Foundation of America

    Checkerspot Brewing

    Colin Carmello

    Neil Castine

    Timothy Chance

    Denise Clark

    Hugh Clarke

    Jeanette Cole

    Leland Colly

    Pickett Brewing Company

    Karen Miller Consulting

    Honorable Charlotte Cooksey

    Bren Dahl

    Jeffrey Davis

    Michelle DeFayette

    Michael DeStefano

    Brian Devlin

    Susan DuMont

    Margaret Easter

    James Enslow

    Leonard Evans

    Nina's Cookie Explosion

    Kris Fair

    Holly Fechner

    Robert Feldman

    Klass Fleming

    Marina Franchild

    Susan Francis

    Ben Freedman

    Steven Hanton

    Shaun Hardy

    Louise Harmony

    Matthew Hebert

    Amy Hennen

    Susan Hickes

    David Higgins

    Jessica Landers Hopkins

    Tanner Horton-Jones

    Craig Howell

    Lauren Kelly-Washington

    Jay Knight

    Charles Kuning

    Joel Lazar

    Susan Lesser

    Allison Leventhal

    Dawn Lewis

    Tom Liebel

    Jacob Lilien

    Alexandria Lippincott

    Harrison Long

    David Lothamer

    Sahithi Madireddy

    Colleen Martin-Lauer

    Laura Mateczun

    Rachel McGrain

    Shawn McIntosh

    Alira McMurray

    Aaron Merki

    Brian Messaris

    Alexa Milton

    Julia Misplon

    Ian Moss

    Amandine Muskus

    Eric Nemons

    Darien Nolin

    NLADA Mutual Insurance Co.

    Mary Obrien 

    ioluwani Odunuga

    Richard Oloizia

    Sherri Paxon

    Joshua Perry

    Sharma Pillutla

    Heather Polzin

    Allie Post

    Mark Procopio

    Lauren Pruitt

    Amir Reda

    Jennifer Reed

    Paul Rensted

    Marie Rinkoski

    Jennifer Rushing-Schurr

    Joy & Steve Sakamoto-Wengel

    Molly Schaefer

    Janessa Schuster

    Edward Shearin

    Stephen Simcock

    Bonnie Smith

    Carlton Smith

    Adam Snyder

    David South

    Wilson M. Stanzione 

    Lauren Stephens

    Diane Stollenwerk

    Stuart Tart

    Paul Thomas

    Ebony Thompson

    Bruce Trescott

    Patrick Tyler

    Michael Ulman

    Jessica Weissman

    Phillip Westry

    Alexandra Wolph

    Joshua Wood

    Dr. Bryant K Woodford

    Stanley Wray

    Andrew Young


Read the Complete 2024 Annual Report Here!

FreeState Justice 990

A Form 990 is an annual report that nonprofits file with the IRS, outlining their revenue, expenses, and financial health. It ensures transparency, shows how funds are used, and provides information on leadership and compensation. Nonprofits make this form public to maintain trust and demonstrate responsible management of resources.

You Can Read FSJ's 990 for 2024 here

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